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Go Green With a Plant-Based Diet

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."

- Albert Einstein, Physicist

  • Animal agriculture is responsible for up to 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than the entire transportation sector combined - FAO

    "My body will not be a tomb for other creatures."
    Leonardo Da Vinci, artist and polymath.
  • Plant-based diets can reduce an individual's carbon footprint by up to 50% - The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

    "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."
    Paul McCartney
  • Growing your own food can significantly reduce food transportation emissions and food waste (Source)

    "The most ethical diet just so happens to be the most environmentally sound diet and just so happens to be the healthiest."
    Dr. Michael Greger
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Go Green, Eat Clean! Choose Plant-Based to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint.

Impacts of Plant Based Food Choices

Social Justice

Supporting local food systems helps create a more equitable and resilient food system for all.

Save Water & Waste

Plant-based diets require significantly less water compared to animal agriculture, helping conserve this vital resource.

Save Money & Buy Responsibly

Plant-based diets can be more cost-effective, and growing your own food can save money on groceries.

Earn points from every delicious bite:

Use Commit2Act to track the impact of your actions! 
Earn points from each plant based meal, compete for incentives and learn from others who are enjoying plant based food each day.

  • Each plant based meal has a calculation to determine how much C02 has been saved.
  • Upload photos of your action as evidence to demonstrate your green eating habits.
  • Harness the power of AI image recognition to validate your impact.

Who's leading the charge on plant based eating

The Good Food Institute

A non-profit organization that promotes plant-based foods and clean meat alternatives.
Visit Website

PlantPure Communities

This organization supports the global transition to plant-based nutrition through education, advocacy, and community-building initiatives.
Visit Website

National Gardening Association

The association provides resources and support for gardeners and promotes the benefits of home and community gardening.
Visit Website

Plant Based News & Media

  • The Guardian - Plant-based diets crucial to saving global wildlife

    The GuardianDamian Carrington2023-04-10

    Learn More
  • The pandemic’s gardening boom shows how gardens can cultivate public health

    The ConversationAlessandro Ossola2022-04-21

    Learn More
  • The diet that helps fight climate change

    VoxUniversity of California in partnership with Vox2017-12-12

    Learn More
  • 12 Rules for Gut Health

    The GuardianEmine Saner2023-03-19

    Learn More
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Other Actions

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